
Professional registration

BRITISH ENGINEERING COUNCIL (BEC) Engineer’s Professional registration gives a benchmark to the public, employers and their clients, those who are working in the engineering industry. To achieve BEC registration for each individual, who they have to the certain level of education qualification and good international practice in engineering. A BRITISH ENGINEERING COUNCIL (BEC) evaluation process is very straight and select the right engineers to the industry. The British Engineering Council is the regulatory body for the engineering professions.

Engineers have been assessed against the engineering standards and awarded one of our professional titles:

  • Chartered Engineer (CEng)
  • Senior Professional Engineer (Sr.PE)
  • Professional Engineer (PE)
  • Associate Professional Engineer (APE)
  • Apprentice Engineer (App.E)
  • Student Engineer (SE)
  • Junior Apprentice Engineer (JApp.E)
  • Diploma Student Engineer (Dip.SE)
  • Engineering Technician (EngTech)
  • Incorporated Engineer (IEng))

Registration fees are paid annually to the professional engineering institution through which you are registered with the Engineering Council.

2022 Annual Registration Fees
2022 Registration Entry Fees
2022 European Engineer (EUR ING) Fees
2022 International Register Fees
2023 Annual Registration Fees
2023 Registration Entry Fees

The Application Process

Professional registration is open to all practising engineers and technicians who can demonstrate the required standard of competence and commitment for the title they are applying for.
The requirements for EngTech, IEng and CEng can be found in the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC). Those for ICTTech are in the ICTTech Standard. The different routes available are also explained in these documents.

Whichever route you take to professional registration, here are the steps you will need to follow:

Join a professional engineering institution

The first step for engineers and technicians wishing to apply for registration is to join a professional engineering institution licensed to assess candidates for professional engineering registration. Alternatively you may choose to join a Professional Affiliate of the Engineering Council. Some of these organizations have agreements to register their members through a licensed institution. Among the many benefits of joining is the support that the institutions offer to help you in working towards registration.

Tell your institution that you’re aiming for a professional title

Let your institution know that you wish to apply for professional registration with the Engineering Council. Their staff will be able to look at your qualifications, training and experience and advise you which title you might be eligible for and whether any further learning or experience is required. Many may also be able to help you to find a mentor.

Record your professional development

To gain and maintain professional registration with the Engineering Council you need to record your professional development. This provides a body of evidence on your qualifications, activities and experience for you to draw on when you are ready to apply for your chosen title.

Assessment – the professional review

The assessment process for registration is known as the professional review. This starts with a written application, which may vary depending on the requirements of your institution. Your institution will provide you with everything you need to know. For IEng and CEng registration there is also a professional review interview.

Once your institution has verified that you meet the criteria, they will submit a registration form to the Engineering Council on your behalf.


Upon receipt of your registration form from your institution the Engineering Council will verify and process your application and you will be added to the national register. This normally takes between one to three weeks. You will then receive your registration pack, which includes a certificate showing your new title. You can then start to use your post-nominal letters to emphasise your professional status.

At this time, you can also download the relevant registrant logo for use on your business cards, email signature and stationery.

Apply for Admission

2023 applications are now open

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